mercoledì 8 febbraio 2012

Kama Sutra - Malika Favre

Grazie al blog di Stuart Watson scopro l'ultimo lavoro di Malika Favre, illustratrice e grafica già visitata su Handsome Frank.

Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition

ISBN 9780143106593

240 pages
31 Jan 2012
Cover illustration and typography for the Deluxe edition of the Kama Sutra: Malika Favre
Art direction by Paul Buckley
Direi che il lavoro parla da solo! :D
Malika è un'artista, illustratrice, grafica, ecc.. di origine francese, stanziata a Londra da circa cinque anni. Ed i suoi messaggi sono di solito molto chiari.
When I was a kid, I used to draw very Manga looking illustrations. I was good technically but didn’t have a style of my own. I was drawing compulsively but not really thinking of how I would make it my own. I happened quite late actually. I almost happened by accident as I was exploring doing an illustration for an erotic design magazine back in 2006! I started paring down my illustration and ended up with a triangle and a couple of shapes to define the female body. I felt there was something there and so I kept on going. From that point, it took a couple of years to refine my style. I feel it is evolving constantly. I am trying new things all the time. Some work, some don’t.
The core of my aesthetic had always been there though. I have always liked organic shapes and bold colours, even when I was very young. Editing is the key.
Per Volcomunity ha realizzato un articolo molto interessante e dettagliato dove illustra passo passo la genesi e lo sviluppo di questa lavoro dal sexy and naughty detail! Ottimo articolo per apprendere le modalità di lavoro e come effettivanmente funzionano le cose in questi ambiti creativi! :P
When you are an illustrator the challenge everytime you get a commission such as this one is to hit the right note, no matter how many goes you have at it .Most importantly: the end result has to look effortless so that all those rounds of feedback and changes have to disappear behind that end result. The process behind a project like this is however much more time consuming and sometimes challenging than it looks.
I was approached last summer by the art director of the series, Paul Buckley. He had seen some of my work on blogs and thought I would be a good match for their new release of the naughty classic. I remember thinking that it was the absolute perfect project for me! To be honest, I thought it would be an easy one, right up my street but sometimes the most obvious projects just tend to be the challenging ones.
Leggetevi tutto l'articolo qui, con tanto di riferimenti iniziali per la documentazione e le varie prove ed idee effettuate, fino ad arrivare all'opera finale.

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